Psalm 27:10

Psalm 27:10  

Accepted in the family

     There must have been a time, in the middle of David’s troubles, when he hurried home to Bethlehem to see his parents and instead of acceptance he was turned away. We know that Jesse was David’s father and that Jesse married a woman who was previously the wife of an Ammonite king called Nahash. We also know that Nahash had two daughters called Abigail and Zeruiah so these were David’s half-sisters. Additionally, there were other brothers and sisters back home; in other words, life back in the family was complicated. No one knows the name of David’s mother, although he was descended from Ruth and Boaz – his great grandparents. David brothers were jealous of him and so it may well be that when he was running away from Saul and the royal family, allegiances at his parental home caused him to be rejected. How comforting it is to know, that even if we are not welcome in the natural family, we are welcome with the Lord. He never rejects us! He is our refuge. He is our comfort. He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother. He is our resting place. He is where we belong – for eternity. If you despair, at times, of your parents or siblings or have faced rejection by them, remember you are a member of a greater family, a royal family. God is your Father, Jesus is your brother, you are accepted and forgiven and you belong. Hallelujah! 


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