Psalm 27:2

Psalm  27:2   

My foes will fall

       Let’s be clear here, there are enemy forces intent on the destruction of God’s people. They hate our faith, our dependence, our love of God, our love for one another, our pursuit of truth, our hope, our certainty, our moral integrity. They want to destroy God’s world, they want to tear down His kingdom, they want to tear up the church and everyone who acknowledges that Jesus is Lord. They detest God’s Word and they detest all who speak it out and live by it. There is no length to which they will not go to pursue their goal of destruction. Those enemy forces are powerful, well led and evil to the very core but, even though they seek to devour us, they cannot win. You and I are protected by forces greater than we could ever imagine, if the Lord God puts His stamp on us, we are untouchable. A few arrows get fired off, a few pitfalls and deviations from the path are thrown our way, gossip and tittle tattle may pursue us but we are surrounded by a mighty fortress whose walls are impenetrable and whose defence force can never be beaten. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. And as the previous verse reminds us, “The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid?”



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