Psalm 27:1
Psalm 27:1
True disciples or followers of Jesus Christ will never have it easy! Despite His abundant blessings, the security of His comforting presence and the burning hope of the Holy Spirit within, we are guaranteed a rough ride. Why is this? It is because there will always be forces around us who are conspiring to bring us down. The Satan has our card marked and he does not play by the rules, he will use any deceit or trick to halt our progress, to diminish our trust and faith in God and to tarnish our reputation. He will try guilt, lies, temptation and accusations, amongst other things, to seek to pull us away from the pathway of faith. That is why this Psalm is an important building block in our journey, a resting place, a reflection on who we are but, more importantly, who the Lord is. Let us read it, learn and live it if we want to have quiet confidence in the God who loves and protects us.
V1 David loved to start his Psalms with a statement of intent, a vibrant declaration of who he believed in and why he believed. Here it is, “The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?”
This is no random boast or the lyrics for a great song. This is a proclamation, in the face of sinister enemy hosts, that “I David of Bethlehem, son of Jesse and King of Israel, fear no one, because I trust in the Lord my God and He is the source of everything I am, and He will guide me in all I do. Whatever you throw at me, and however much you threaten me, with God on my side I will be saved.”
Can you say that with me today? Face whatever enemy you are confronted by just now and make your proclamation by filling in the blanks. “I …… of …… son / daughter of …… and …… of ……., fear no one, because I trust in the Lord my God and He is the source of everything I am, and He will guide me in all I do. Whatever you throw at me, and however much you threaten me, with God on my side I will be saved.”
The Lord is our light and He is our life. Who can come against us? Who can overcome us? Who can ever touch us? Nothing that happens to us happens by chance for He guides and cares and watches over us every minute of every day. Hallelujah!
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