Psalm 26:9

Psalm 26:9

A longing for glory!

     Well, this is a strange request, written in a strange manner! David is certainly prone to sudden changes of mood isn’t he? One minute he is reflecting on the utter glory of the house of God and the next he is begging to be spared the company of sinners in death. In truth, a glimpse of glory can do that. To see God’s glory or even suspect that we are near to it transforms our view of everything else. To sense that wonderful Presence is enough to make anyone long for more and, as David knows, sinners are never going to experience it. Their lot is the gloom and sorrow of Sheol / Hades where they will await the final judgement of God. David has tasted divine pleasures and there’s no way he wants to be counted with the sinners and the bloodthirsty. May our experiences of the glory of God create a longing for more, to be with the rapturous throng that surrounds the throne of our Lord where His light and love transform our senses. As we grow older and the “things of earth grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace” (Taken from “Turn your eyes upon Jesus” by the way), we will sense more and more, a yearning for the Courts of the King and the draw of the Heavenly City. Pray this prayer with me, “Lord, do not let my soul go the way of sinners, do not let my life be ended in the company of bloody men.”


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