Psalm 26:8

Psalm 26:8  

His dwelling place

     “Lord I love the house where you live, the place where Your glory dwells.” “Lord I love the house where you live, the place where Your glory dwells.”  My wife and I were recently privileged to be in the old Samaritan city of Shiloh – the place where the ancient Tabernacle rested for several hundred years before it was moved to Jerusalem. Today the city is called Ariel and it is possible to go there and view a full-sized replica model of the Tabernacle. It is not a place of beauty, just a courtyard with a linen fence, a large altar and a large washing bowl. Dominating the space is a rectangular tent, dark with it’s covering of animal skins. It looms over the whole enclosure and, in some ways, looks forbidding. It is forbidding because ordinary people where forbidden to enter in! Is it possible to love such a place? “Yes,” says David, “Because that is where the glory of the Lord dwells!” The Scripture saysMan looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7.   If the one you love lives in an ugly place, their beauty transforms their dwelling. You know that within the ugliness or the squalor there is absolute beauty. It’s simple really, David loved the Lord, so David loved the place where He dwelt! We know that God does not dwell in buildings made by hands and He has no need of such things, we will not find Him in a building, but He can be found. Do you have a special place where His glory dwells, even if it is in your heart? Do you not know that you are His temple? 1 Corinthians 3;16. May His beauty fill us today. 


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