Psalm 26:6

Psalm 26:6  

Washing our hands!

     I wash my hands in innocence, and go about Your altar, Lord.” That’s not your everyday conversation is it? What does it mean? Remember that this is the era of the Tabernacle, the enclosure with all of its sacred objects that included the ark of the covenant, the menorah, the altar of incense etc. David highly valued this place where Israel met with God, so much so, that he had it brought from Shiloh, (or what is now Ariel in Samaria) to Jerusalem. It was right and proper for individual worshippers to symbolically wash their hands before bringing their offerings to the Lord. The priests, of course, had to wash at the Bronze Laver before they could enter the Holy Place and even King David would wash his hands before entering the presence of the Lord and before he encompassed the Altar of sacrifice. In so doing he prepared himself for worship and to offer whatever he had brought to the altar. These were devout moments in his life, moments of joy and wonder as he came before the Lord. So many of the Psalms reflect his wonder and adoration as he came into the presence of God. Let us be equally careful to symbolically wash our hands and declare ourselves innocent as we approach God’s throne of grace; it is an awesome place and we must never take His holiness for granted. Confession of sin and a clean heart are prerequisites for an audience with the King of Kings; who would dare to approach a human monarch with dirty hands? Thank God that the offering for our sin has been made, confession and repentance allow us to approach with clean hands to worship our God. 


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