Psalm 26:11

Psalm 26:11      

The road to blamelessness

     So let us summarise what we have learned shall we? So far, in this Psalm David has set out the reasons why he believes that the Lord should vindicate him: -

1.     He has led a blameless life

2.     He has trusted in the Lord and not faltered

3.     He has always been mindful of the Lord’s unfailing love

4.     He has lived in reliance on the Lord’s faithfulness

5.     He does not sit with the deceitful

6.     He does not sit with hypocrites

7.     He abhors the assembly of evildoers

8.     He refuses to sit with the wicked

9.     He washes his hands in innocence before going about the altar

10.  He proclaims aloud the praise of the Lord and His wonderful deeds

11.  He Loves the house of the Lord

12.  He leads a blameless life – again

This list is either going to bring condemnation because most of us are nowhere near living this way, or maybe a resolve to change. Either this list is going to take some swallowing if we are to be like David. Let me say that it takes time to build faith, points 2-4, but we can start with no 10 and make sure we sing loudest when we are next in church! And, if necessary, we can quickly act on points 5-8. I doubt if any of us can say all of this with confidence but, remember, we are on a journey. These are some of the stations, don’t stay still, keep moving onwards and upwards. 


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