Psalm 26:10

Psalm 26:10  

Look at your hands!

     The Psalm now calls us to look at the hands of the wicked. Two different hands are in view and we need to consider these carefully for each hand can lead to our downfall. Both hands offer enticements that are commonplace in the world. The NIV text does not convey the full meaning of the first set of hands for it uses the words “wicked schemes.”The more correct interpretation is lechery, or lust or seduction, and the meaning is clear, we are talking about sexual allurements here. It could be anything from the offer of a sexual experience or liaison, to a magazine or film or web site or simply, lustful thoughts. These enticements are everywhere and David is aware, as he writes, that any one of these things can keep him from the House of God. 

The second allurement is financial. The Psalm talks of right hands that are full of bribes and right hands were significant in the culture of the day; they offered power, respect, position and status. You can see where we are going here can’t you? We are not just talking about corrupt offers of money for services but about any financial inducement that draws us away from the House of God, that takes away our souls and thus robs us of dwelling where God’s glory dwells. If we are honest, we’ve all been enticed by both of these sinful hands, this verse is a warning. “Don’t be drawn, keep your eyes focussed instead on the things that really matter, keep yourself pure before the Lord.”


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