Psalm 25:22

Psalm 25:22  

Deliverance from all troubles

     David is well aware that, as monarch, he stands before God’s people as their servant. He has responsibility for keeping them safe, he has a nation to lead and protect. All he can do is turn that responsibility over to the Lord, it is too much for one man. This is the concluding verse of the Psalm, after all that has been written it all boils down to one thing; only God can deliver the nation, only God can save them from their enemies and their troubles. The whole Psalm leads up to this point, it has been a confession of faith throughout, a declaration of the king’s dependence, written from a humble heart and by someone who is well aware of his limitations. We do well to follow his lead, to take to heart the contrition in these verses, to recognise our limitations and to trust in God with all our hearts. This applies whether we are just looking out for ourselves or have responsibility for many others. Monarchs, Presidents, Prime Ministers and all other rulers need to know it. Teachers, professionals, the aristocracy, governors, employers, workers, mums and dads, church leaders – everyone should know that, ultimately, their only hope is in the Lord. What a tragedy, to live a life and never know this!


Thank you, Lord, that the Psalm ends as it began; “In You, Lord my God, I put my trust.” “My hope Lord is in You. Deliver Israel, O God, from all their troubles!” May all of my life, from beginning to end, be a declaration of my trust in You. Do not let me put to shame. Do not let my enemies triumph over me. Show me Your ways. Guide me in Your truth. I take refuge in You, O Lord. You are my God. Amen.


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