Psalm 25:17

Psalm 25:17  

Free me from my anguish     

     Well, there are lots of troubles in the world aren’t there? We are surrounded by troubles, but the worst kind are not those on the outside but the troubles within. Troubles that affect the very core of our being, that gnaw away at our well-being and keep us awake at night. The kind of troubles that cause panic attacks, depression, breakdown, stomach ulcers, insomnia, loss of appetite, maybe even more serious illnesses. These troubles leave us bitter, angry, afraid, anxious, detached, numb, defensive …. the list is a long one! So far as I am aware, there are no treatments in the world that guarantee relief. Sedatives, antidepressants and such like are no panacea for the deeper anguish that numerous people experience. Many go through counselling and other self-help techniques or alternatively try to find something that will block out the pain, such as drugs or alcohol. All they want to do is to forget.

David has a better idea! I for one can testify that it works. We can turn to the living God and humbly throw ourselves on His mercy and plead for His relief. It’s time to let go and trust this amazing, loving Being who wants the very best for us. He will show us how to let go of the pain, how to reconcile ourselves with the past, how to clear our hearts and minds of the darkness and how to find a ray of hope for the future. Tell Him all about it. You can be free! Hallelujah!


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