Psalm 25:14

Psalm 25:14  
A Covenant God
     This is an extraordinary verse for it informs us that the great all seeing, all knowing, all powerful God of heaven and earth confides in men and women who revere Him. There are many examples of the Lord confiding in men; one such was Abraham where the Lord reasons that he should not hide from the great man what is about to happen to Sodom and Gomorrah.  (Geneses 18:17-19.) Obviously, prophets and teachers have heard from the Lord over the centuries although I rather suspect that God is not the chatterbox that some would have us believe! Indeed, two direct words from Him would probably be enough to keep most of us going for a lifetime! Thank the Lord for the Scriptures that are the ultimate declaration of His confidences to men, here is more than enough for a lifetime! 
The Lord is intent on making His covenant known to us and in this He has constantly confided in us. A covenant is a contract made in heaven sealed with an oath, and it cannot be repealed. Covenants in history have been made with men like Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jeremiah and we have the “New Covenant in my blood” made by Jesus Christ with His church. Each covenant builds on its predecessor, instead of a series of unrelated contracts, the declarations from heaven have been an unfolding revelation of God’s commitment to mankind and His purpose for us. Therefore, God’s Covenant with Abraham is also His Covenant with me – and you! We are His Covenant People who have the full disclosure of God’s Plan for mankind. Let us not treat it lightly!


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