Psalm 25:12

Psalm 25:12  
Fear the Lord
     Psalm 34:8-14 gives a wonderful account of what it means to “fear the Lord.” Let’s remember that it does not mean that, as His children, we are frightened of Him, that we hold Him at arm’s length in terror and that we cower before Him! It does mean that we reverence His name, respect His deeds and speak to Him with a sense of awe, for He is a Holy God. This reverence plays out in our actions, words and thoughts for we will seek to honour Him by our behaviour. There is a warning implicit in such holy fear. Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do nor more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him.”  Luke 12:4-5.
Holy fear is a great comfort to the Christian for in return we get something very special; the Lord will instruct us which way to choose.  When we come to those crisis moments of decision, when we stand at the crossroads and wonder which road to take, the Lord will instruct us if we hold Him in awe. He is our guide and our comforter but only if we hold Him in esteem. Presumably, if we do not, we will make our own choices and too often they will be wrong ones!


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