Psalm 25:9  
Teach us Your ways
     The world, it seems, is full of people who want to make a name for themselves! That’s why social media is so popular with nobody’s, has-beens and opportunists! Our culture is driven by self-interest, ambition, wealth and egotism.  Our educational system labels us a success if we pass exams and excel at sport or art or music; alternatively, we are deemed average or a failure if we do not impress in any of these areas. No one gets points for honesty, moral integrity, good character, helpfulness and unadulterated kindness. Sadly, egotistical traits are only too visible in the church where some love the limelight and others scramble for attention. Even mature believers like to be known for their knowledge and their spiritual prowess, to be up on the pedestal, to be admired and “sought after.” There is no one more pathetic than the Christian who sets out to be spiritually superior – who apparently hears and sees things that others have missed!
Our Lord must tear His hair out in exasperation (figuratively speaking – lest you think I too have had a superior revelation!) This verse 9 of Psalm 25 tells us clearly, it is the humble who are guided and who learn the ways of the Lord – directly from Him. In other words, we esteem Him above all and see ourselves exactly as we are – sinners saved by grace. We are well aware of our helplessness and fully grateful for what He has done for us. We do not simper or crawl or tremble with fear before the Lord, but we do listen and observe and stay close to Him, and in so doing we discover His ways. When we see Him at work, we take no credit but give Him all the glory. Hallelujah! 


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