Psalm 25:7  
According to Your love
     If our plea is that the Lord should remember His great mercy and love; we also have grounds for asking Him to forget! “Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways!” In truth, the Lord cannot forget, for that is a human fallibility associated with dying brain cells or mental deficiency. No, God does not forget but He does choose not to remember. “Your sins and iniquities I will remember no more.” Jeremiah 31:34. I’m afraid that my sins go back a long way, all the way back to my childhood and youth. So do yours! Well, it’s good to know that God’s love and mercy go back even beyond that and He chooses to think of us, not on the basis of our sins but on the foundation of His love. Just as our love for our children can help us to not remember their naughtiness, so the love of God is bigger and greater than our sinfulness. Once we have accepted God’s sacrifice for sins at Calvary, the slate is wiped clean. Our sin is consigned to history and will never be used against us again. 
It's an interesting concept being taught here and one that we might use ourselves. Do we think of people, even those close to us, in terms of the wrongs they have done, or do we think of them in terms of our love for them?  It’s so easy to get into negative thought patterns about someone until our affection is overwhelmed and it is impossible to see them in a good light. The Psalm is suggesting that it would be easy and right for God to see us in this way. But we know He is a God of love who chooses not to remember our rebellion and therefore we may ask Him to maintain a relationship with us based on His love. Lord, indeed You are good!


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