Psalm 25:6  
The patience of God
     The Lord’s great mercy and love were counted as “from of old” in David’s day, circa 1,000BC! We can add many more years to that pronouncement and still His mercy and love abound. This is one of the few instances where we know more than David knew, for 3,000 years have passed since his reign and still God’s mercy and love prevail throughout the earth. Indeed, 2,000 years ago He sent His Son to us and made Him a sacrifice for our sins; that is the greatest act of love and mercy that will ever occur on our planet. Since then, countless men and women have tasted the fruits and the power of the Holy Spirit, and love and mercy are at the heart of all that He is and does. 
The phrase “from of old” literally means long-standing or something that has ever been. God has always been and will always be merciful and loving, for that is His very nature. So many people have Him pictured as wrathful and vengeful but they fail to realise that God’s judgement is inevitable but it is always His last resort. For centuries He has remained a God of grace and kindness and patience, not willing that any should perish. The question that we cannot answer is, at what point does His patience run out and His tolerance of man’s rejection, disobedience and depravity dissipate? Mine would have ended long ago which just goes to show how tolerant He is and how lacking in grace I am!
So, Lord, our heart cry, in these troubled times is, “Remember us. Please do not hide Your face from us. Continue to be merciful and loving to mankind. Withhold Your wrath and Your judgement, for we know they must surely come, until all have heard the good news.” 


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