Psalm 25:5  
You are God my Saviour
     It is incredibly frustrating to be driving in a large city and find you are completely lost. Nowadays we have SatNav or Google Maps or some other electronic device to help us but there was a time …….  Life can be like that for there are occasions when we are enveloped by a sense of bewilderment and confusion. Where am I going? Why is nothing clear? Am I going around in circles? Now what do I do next? Which is the right way? David was spot on, it’s time to cry out to the Lord, “Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Saviour.”
The dilemma is not just a personal one, sometimes we cry out in frustration on behalf of others who are in a dark place, or maybe it’s our church or our nation that is floundering. The enemy is crafty here, he is so adept at weaving complex labyrinths that have us chasing our tails and wasting an inordinate amount of time only to arrive back where we started! That is why this prayer is so important and it should be often on our lips. If we know God’s truth, if we spend proper time studying, meditating and embracing the Word of God, how much better equipped we will be when those big questions beckon us. 
Notice that we are led here, to speak out one of those great truths of faith, “My hope is in You all day long.” Our faith should never be confined to a once-a-week church service or to a 5 minute Quiet Time at the start and end of the day! God is there for us 24/7 and we can wait on Him for every second whether we are awake or sleeping.  Fear not my friends, He is always vigilant and he will guide us and teach us His truth if we are willing to listen and learn. Why? Because He has promised to be, God our Saviour. 


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