Psalm 25:4  
Show me Your ways
     Look, no one said that it was going to be plain sailing did they! Forgive me for mixing my metaphors here, but this Christian walk, this holy path, this ongoing adventure with God is never going to be straightforward. If we have plateaued and are cruising spiritually, then something is wrong! Life tends to throw up innumerable crossroads and twists and turns, decisions need to be made daily and there’s always a sense of uncertainty if we are walking God’s paths. Why? It is because the world is not our home, the future in this world is never certain and our plans for tomorrow are frankly, pointless. There are endless temptations and lures to disrupt this walk and time and time again, we will veer off the track only to find that it goes nowhere, or it is leading away from the truth. So we turn around, come back to the correct path and set off again, often uphill and alone, wondering if this is the correct course.
No wonder the spiritual man or woman cries, “Show me Your ways, Lord, teach me Your paths. I want to walk the way of righteousness, I want to use my life fruitfully, I want to be in Your purpose and plan, living out Your will for me.”  The beauty of relationships is that the more we know someone, the closer our discourse, the longer the time we spend in their company, the better we are able to discern their will and their mind. So it is with the Lord God. 


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