Psalm 25:2   
Don't let my enemies triumph
     Well, we’re back to the spiritual warfare again! This is a good prayer at the start of a day. Before we venture out into the world and its glitter and attractions we need to pray, “Lord, do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.” Somewhere, out there, the Satan has already got one of his henchmen waiting. There will be a moment when a thought crosses our mind, or a flicker of interest is exchanged between two sets of eyes, or a voice will suggest we give up and stop fighting, or we repeat that joke that should never be repeated. The list is endless and personal to each one of us BUT whatever happens, “Lord, please don’t let me be put to shame. Don’t let my witness, my relationship with You be trampled underfoot because of one moment of madness.” Reading God’s Word, spending time with Him, if just for a few moments, is a big help in getting our armour on and being prepared to go and face the foe. He is certainly waiting to trip us up. “Lord don’t let my enemy triumph over me today.” 


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