Psalm 25:10  
A Covenant God
     It is a sad thing that today we rarely hear about God’s Covenant relationship with His people. He has always had an over-all plan that has taken shape with increasing revelation though the ages. In my youth I heard a lot about “dispensationalism” which suggested that God’s plan was fragmented into different eras, as if He tried a plan which didn’t work so He started afresh with a different plan and a different set of people. Today I see more clearly that the over-all plan has taken shape over history by means of a number of steps. God has gathered His family by making covenants, but each new covenant is not a single entity but part of the whole.
Adam and Eve’s actions brought separation from God. God’s covenants and His promises are designed to restore us back to Him and to build a true family that belongs to Him. Examples are: -

  • ·      The covenant with Noah ensured that all of mankind would be preserved by the provision of food.
  • ·      The covenant with Abraham established a people with their own land. It was later understood to extend to all people of faith, in all ages. 
  • ·      The covenant with Moses brought revelation of God’s righteous requirements for His Covenant People.
  • ·      The covenant with David promised a King from his seed who would restore the Kingdom to Almighty God.
  • ·      The covenant with Jeremiah concerned the Torah being written spiritually on the hearts of the Covenant People by His Spirit.
We need to remember that there is One Plan and One Family and all have equality in that family, be it those who came first or last. If we were to sum up God’s working throughout history we could say, as David did! “All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of His covenant.” God always keeps His covenant promises, that is why He is our faithful God. Hallelujah!


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