Psalm 24:9-10  
My King of Glory
     The last two verses of the Psalm repeat what has already been said, probably for dramatic effect and undoubtedly the words stick in our minds as we read them again. Now we’ve had time to think about it, who indeed is the King of Glory? It is the Lord! Just as on the day the Ark of the Covenant arrived in Jerusalem and established the royal city of the kingdom of David and of Israel, so the arrival of the Lord Jesus in glory established the Kingdom of God forever. These are no tepid, insignificant moments, these are earth shattering, heaven shattering events that changed the course of history for eternity. When the King of Glory comes to stay the whole of the universe is shaken for this is no ordinary King. He is the all-conquering King, the Lord Almighty. He was David’s King; He is my King. Because of Him I know who I am and where I belong and whom I serve. Hallelujah!
And so this wonderful Psalm ends in similar vein as its beginning. It begins, “The earth is the Lords, and everything in it,” and it ends, “The Lord Almighty, He is the King of Glory!” We are confronted with the facts that this world belongs to the Lord and is answerable to Him, and then transported to the heavenly realms where He also reigns supreme! He is in all and over all, and He is my brother and my friend!!!!

Thank You Lord. Holy is Your name. Great are Your works. Mighty is Your power. Glorious is Your reign. May everything that has breath bow before You and worship You. There is no name that is more powerful than Yours and no kingdom that will outlast Your Kingdom. You are my King and my God. How blessed I am.


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