Psalm 24:6  
Seek His face
     This is a statement from David that needs to be broken down, for it is saying a number of things. In the light of all that has already been said, we are being told that there are certain times when particular groups of people seek after God. These are the generations that seek Him. History kind of backs that up, revival, evangelistic zeal, purification of the church and its doctrine – all of these things can be identified amongst particular groups and at certain times. Events such as the Reformation, the age of the Puritans, the Wesleyan and American Revivals are well-known examples, but there are many smaller moments in the history of countries and communities where believers have come together in unity before God. These occasions have usually been times of great blessing, of renewed worship and love for God’s Word and prayer and endeavour in the service of God’s kingdom. “Such is the generation of those who seek Him.” Sadly, many of these cherished moments have been short-lived, often because men take control and the ascent of the mountain of the Lord and standing in His Holy Place become matters of organisation and human authority. It sometimes takes a lifetime to be rid of the programmes and plans and structures that are applied to so much of Christianity and church life, to simply seek the face of God. It is the wise man or woman who realises that man’s schemes and plans are empty and meaningless and completely unsatisfying compared to the ascent of the holy mountain and the pure pursuit of God. 
The verse ends with a strange phrase, it suggests that Jacob is somehow involved in this pursuit of God’s face. Jacob, of course, was the deceiver who had a chequered early life, to say the least. However, he proved to be a man of courage and stubborn determination and ultimately a great man of God. His name became “Israel” and he was the father of the tribes and the nation that were chosen by God. Is that what this verse is saying? “The true descendants of Jacob are those who seek God’s face, these are the generation of those who ascend the Mountain of the Lord.”


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