Psalm 24:5a  
Drawing Closer
     There is an argument in Christian thinking that we can do nothing to impress God, that He blesses us regardless of what we are and what we do. There are many who say that God dispenses His blessings as and when He chooses, to whom He chooses, and that even when we think we are close to Him we are still a million miles away! We have no say or input into our relationship with Him, it is all by His grace. Does this Psalm support that view? I think, like David, that my Father is approachable, that He loves having me near to Him and that by watching my actions, my thoughts, my heart and my affections I am able to draw nearer still.  Indeed, that is my experience. And in drawing closer, I find that His grace and mercy and lovingkindness are greater than could ever be imagined. Then I see that my vindication is not by my merit but because He is God my Saviour. Do you see the paradox here? There are those who believe we should work at this relationship with the Lord God and there are those who think that we cannot do anything to gain intimacy with Him. Both sides are half right! For by working at drawing closer we increasingly find out how gracious and accepting He is! Hallelujah!


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