Psalm 24:4b    
       The one who does not swear by a false god
   Obviously, this does not mean that we if we go around cursing in the name of false gods the One true God is deeply offended by us! To take the name of God on our lips by way of an oath or a solemn promise is a serious matter. The Courts and legal profession may still ask us to make a declaration of truth on the Bible or similar. Wedding vows are solemn declarations, as are those made by godparents and by the men and women who take office in some church denominations. Our God is a jealous God, when we swear an allegiance to Him, even if it is not publicly witnessed, we are in serious territory. Those who swear by Him and also swear by other deities are causing Him grave offence. How can we lump the Lord alongside other lesser deities?  How can we say His is my Lord and then pay lip service to something else? If He is truly God then He is above all and any other allegiance is an abomination to Him. We do not acknowledge any other god in any manner if we serve the Lord God Almighty! WHY SHOULD WE?
Before we move on let us summarise this important verse. Do we want to ascend the mountain of the Lord? Do we really want to stand in His Holy Place? In his preparation for the Lord’s Supper Paul instructs, “Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup.” 1 Corinthians 11:28. Here we have the kind of self-examination he is talking about. Are my hands clean? Is my heart pure?  Do I love God above all others? Am I serious about my allegiance to Him? We cannot take this lightly for we are aiming to stand on holy ground. 


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