Psalm 24:3  
The Royal Priesthood
     We have been drawn to the Mountain of the Lord in previous Psalms – Psalm 2:6 and Psalm 15. The question recurs here; “Who may ascend the Mountains of the Lord? Who may stand in His Holy Place?” David wrote this Psalm and asked these questions. Maybe David reflect on his answers in Psalm 65:4; after recognising that God has forgiven our sins he writes, “Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple.”
The necessary qualifications for entry are forgiveness of sins and a walk of obedience as emphasized in Psalm 15 and in the next verse of this Psalm. Leaving that aside for a moment let us consider what it is we are being asked. It’s not just about the physical ascent of a sacred mountain or a visit to a religious site. David is asking, “Who may come close to God? Who can enter the presence of the Lord? Who is able to stand in such a holy place without being condemned by their sin and their failure to measure up to God’s perfection? Who on earth is qualified for such an honour?” Such questions are rhetorical of course, and the answer, strictly, is no one is good enough! Only God can, by His grace, allow anyone entrance into the sacred places. 
However, David knew there was an answer to these questions and so do we! There is a certain category of person who can do all of these things. In David’s day they were set apart for a lifetime of holy orders, they were to serve the Lord God in His sanctuary, they alone could enter the Holy Place. We are talking, of course, about the priesthood. Those men chosen by birth to represent the people before God. Only priests were allowed to serve in the inner court of the Most High and their qualifications are set out in the next verse. Before we look at that in detail remember this: -“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God.” 1 Peter 2:9. Thank God that we have been elevated to this role so that we may enter the Holy Place. What does that mean? Let’s read on and find out. 


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