Psalm 24:1  
The earth is the Lord's
        In Exodus 9 we read about the Plague of hail that came upon Egypt when Moses stretched out his hands to the skies before Pharaoh. This was one of God’s judgements, intended to prompt Pharaoh to let the Hebrew slaves leave their slavery and begin their journey to the Promised land. Pharaoh was having none of it so lightening flashed down to the ground, the thunder roared and hail stones fell with such intensity that leaves were stripped from the trees. Pharaoh relented and summoned Moses to curtail the terrible damage being done to the land and its inhabitants. Moses said to him, “When I have gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands in prayer to the Lord. The thunder will stop and there will be no more hail, so that you may know that “the earth is the Lord’s.”
Man has control over many things, we have unravelled many mysteries and science has lifted the lid on some of the world’s hidden secrets but there is still so much we do not know: -
·      Why does the earth spin as it does?
·      How did it get into orbit around the sun so perfectly as to allow life?
·      Why is the earth tilted at just the right angle to preserve us?
·      How does the weather work?
·      Where does the intense energy and power of a thunderstorm originate?
·      Where did gravity come from?
·      How did life begin?

The list is endless and some clever people have theories about all of this but, in truth, scientists do not know all of the answers. But we know! “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” We do not own it and we cannot control it. It belongs to the Lord and we are mere tenants, stewards of property that belongs to another greater being. That is why we will not be allowed to destroy it. This statement of ownership makes the perfect Grace before meals and has been used as such by Jewish families; perhaps we should do the same?


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