Psalm 23:6a  
It lasts forever!
     And so we come to the end of this familiar and thrilling Psalm. “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”  The feast will never end, the table will never be empty. The attentions of the Shepherd King are permanent, we do not pay Him a quick visit and then get sent away. We are always welcome in His presence, we will always be protected and cared for. However dark the deepest valleys of this life, He has promised to be right there at our side. However powerful and numerous the enemy hosts may be, we have the Shepherd King guarding and maintaining His flock and not one sheep will be lost. Wherever we go the two faithful sheepdogs will help us to pursue our course and nudge us off the wrong paths. The extent of the nurture available is extraordinary and this will go on forever! For we belong in the house of the Lord, we are foreigners and strangers outside of it, this is our dwelling, it is where we belong. Our hope and our security are in Him and He will never fail us. No one can take our place in His household. Nothing on earth can stop us enjoying the banquet He provides; remember Paul and Silas singing their hearts out for joy in the Philippian jail? And this is our place and our portion – forever. The Lord is my Shepherd, therefore I lack nothing! Hallelujah!


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