Psalm 23:5a  
Dignitaries at His table
     We have not finished with this scene of convivial fellowship at the table of the Shepherd King for He rises from His chair and produces a bottle of fragrant oil. He stands behind me and tenderly anoints my head, a ceremonial act that bestows honour and privilege. It is the oil of joy and acceptance, the oil of welcome and pleasure at my company. It sets me apart and shows my place in the heart of my host! Really! Does my King honour me so? Am I worthy of such acclaim and distinction? He thinks so. Then He refills my cup, the cup of blessing and salvation, He fills it until it overflows with His abundance and I know that I am esteemed and treasured beyond measure. What can I say? I am humbled beyond words and my heart is broken with love. This is no fanciful depiction; the oil is His Holy Spirit that anoints my head and flows down and through to my inner being such that I am filled with joy and gladness and overwhelmed with the honour that my King bestows upon me. The cup of His blessing reminds me that He said, “If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink and out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.”
If any of you have watched all or some of the series “The Crown” you will know a little about the strict rules that are applied when someone has an audience with the Sovereign; to be asked to dine is, for most of us, a privilege beyond our wildest dreams. And yet the King of Heaven, invites us to His table and treats us as the highest dignitaries in His land, indeed we are family! Hallelujah!


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