Psalm 23:5  
Come and dine
     The scene has changed, we are through the valley and no longer out in the fields with the Shepherd, instead we have been invited into the intimacy of a home where a table is prepared and a meal is about to be served. Let’s forget, for a moment, about 21st century living with our spacious homes and dining rooms and evening meals and the endless chains of restaurants and cafes available day and night. In ancient times it was a privilege, and something of an event, to be welcomed as an honoured guest into someone’s home, and to sit down and enjoy hospitality and good food. Here the Shepherd King has invited David to His house, to sit down at His table and to enjoy His protection and His generosity. This speaks of friendship and mutual acceptance but also of fortification and safety, for David’s enemies are amassed outside. However, he has no fear of conflict or danger for in this house he is secure and free from assault. 
This is our position dear friends; we have been invited to dine with the King of kings. Surrounded by a spiritual army, intent on our destruction, we find ourselves dining in the presence of a King so mighty and powerful that no enemy can touch us. They may grind their teeth with frustration but there is nothing they can do as the King embraces and invites us to, “Come and dine.” The sweetness of His friendship, the joy of His presence, the richness of His food, the delight of His conversation; oh how good it is to spend time alone, and with others, in the presence of the Shepherd King!


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