Psalm 23:4b  
Rod and staff
     And so we come to the Shepherd’s equipment – His rod and His staff. The nature and purpose of these tools is not exactly shrouded in mystery! The Hebrew word for rod is “sebet”. It is simply a short stick, used every day for a variety of tasks including; - counting the sheep, defending the sheep and disciplining the sheep. The rod was always in the shepherd’s hand and always in use. The staff also has a variety of uses, the Hebrew word is “mishena” which suggests a support, something to lean upon and trust. The staff had a crook at its end for lifting lambs and pulling a sheep away from trouble. It was also a very basic symbol of authority. 
It’s hard to imagine an ancient shepherd going anywhere without these simple tools; the days were long, the dangers existed all around and whilst he had his bare hands, he was more than adequately equipped if he had a strong staff and a stout stick. That’s all he needed, the sheep would be safe and the shepherd was fully armed and prepared for every eventuality. 
As sheep in the Good Shepherd’s flock we are very well protected but only because Jesus is prepared to defend us and always watches over us. He may indeed need to exercise discipline but He only ever has our good in mind. His staff is His symbol of authority and is used to pull us back on to the path and to grant us support when weary. What the Psalm is teaching is that the Lord will care for His sheep as painstakingly as any man will care for his livestock. In fact, we know that His guardianship and His love for His flock far exceeds any pastoral shepherd. That is why we are comforted and consoled. What a privilege this is!


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