Psalm 23:4a  
You are not alone
     We need to stop and mediate for a moment, for the valley is but a shadow. Shadows are sometimes threatening, sometimes they bring comfort, for they hide us from the full heat of the sun. The valley of the shadow of death sounds like a most unwelcoming place doesn’t it? I picture myself in a narrow ravine with towering cliffs on either side. No sun ever reaches this place and the path ahead looks torturous and difficult. There will be many rest spots and yet we must keep moving because loose rocks could come tumbling down those cliff walls at any time and block the way, or worse still injure us. Indeed, to remain here is in itself life threatening. Shadows are reminders that it is still day, that somewhere out there the sun still shines, that there are wider, safer and sunnier places ahead. And so we plod on, the terrain does not improve, the way is difficult and the surroundings are fearsome. Then, one day, we realise that we are not alone; we were so wrapped up in our troubles, our sorrows, our misery that we failed to notice a companion. He turns and smiles and takes our hand, “Keep going my child, you will make it through this place and though you will never be the same, you will leave the shadowlands. Walk with me and I will lead you.” 


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