Psalm 23:4   
The valley of the shadow
     This intense verse of Scripture seems to divide into three parts but when put together they form a remarkable and deeply comforting whole! All of us have walked through dark valleys and many have taken that difficult journey through the valley of the shadow of death. It can be the death of a loved one, a spouse, a child, a parent or a close friend; suddenly that face has gone, the conversations have ended, their presence is no more and the effect can be devastating. We are faced with an empty vacuum and silence and our memories. Loss, regret, anger, emptiness; it’s impossible to describe the depth of the feelings that we have and yet, the Lord Jesus promises that He will be with us. We are not alone. We can hold His hand. He is before us, behind us, beneath us and above us. There is nowhere in this dark valley where He will not be ready to comfort and encourage us. Eventually when we can lift up our heads and look ahead, He whispers, “I am with you. I will never leave you or forsake you. Follow me.”

The valley of the shadow can represent many other crises in our lives; serious illness, financial ruin, divorce, loss of work or reputation, a ruined friendship, mental depression; - the list is endless. I have listened to many stories over the years and lived out a few of my own and one thing stands out; it is the simple fact that those who walk with the Good Shepherd at their side fear no evil! How often people have borne witness to the goodness of God, some have even returned to Him in faith as a consequence of their being in the valley of the shadow. For others, faith has been proved by fire, their journey has taken them through the darkness and they have survived and the Lord is praised.  Many have testified of a growing awareness of the presence of God but few, if any, have spoken of a growing sense of evil.  “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” YOU ARE WITH ME! May you and I never forget that promise, that wherever we go, whatever happens to us, He is present. Enemy armies may be massed on every side but if the Shepherd is there, they cannot harm us, we will walk through the valley and eventually find ourselves, once again, in green pastures, beside still waters. 


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