Psalm 23:3a
The right path
It has been a recurring theme in my experience recently that the Lord guides and helps me and honours my faith, simply because it is His name that is at stake. Turn this around and it means that we may pray or witness and act in faith because His name will be honoured. It is not our reputation that is on the line but His. And if we constantly find ourselves heading in the wrong direction, taking the wrong paths and listening to the wrong guidance then our faith is going to suffer. Does He want that to happen? Of course not. The paths that sheep take can be precarious, those tough old mountain ewes seem to be able to go anywhere, without fear, but they are often left to their own devices anyway. The flock that we have joined is not for loners, it is comprised of those who stay together, who stick close to the Shepherd and who are vulnerable without Him and without each other. Be sure that for His name’s sake, He will guide us in the right paths! Paths of righteousness, paths paved with His goodness, paths that are lawful and morally correct. These paths lead us in the right direction, there is no getting lost or having to turn around. If we follow the Shepherd’s lead we will not falter in the journey and waste valuable time and resources pursuing false directions. “Oh, dear Shepherd, lead me in righteous paths, lead me along the right path, for Your name’s sake.” Hallelujah!
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