Psalm 23:3   
He restores my soul
      Bible commentators seem to be divided as to whether the Lord refreshes or restores our souls. I suppose the two ideas are not dissimilar. Commentators also seem to disagree, amicably, as to whether it is our souls or spirits that get refreshed! Let’s just assume that He does it all – and maybe that’s the point! The Good Shepherd restores and refreshes, He cares for my soul and for my spirit. My inner being is cared for as well as my outer, physical needs. The richness of His pasture, the scope of His tender care, the depth of His compassion and his wisdom and experience mean that I am in the best place, with the best shepherd and nothing I need will ever be withheld.  
There is a passage in Ezekiel 34 where the Lord condemns the shepherds of Israel who have prospered at the expense of the care of the flock. The sheep have scattered, they have become prey for wild animals and no one searches for them. The Lord is angry with the shepherds and proposes to go after the sheep and bring them safely back to the green pastures. “I will search for the lost and bring back the strays,” He says in verse 16. Sheep have a habit of straying, so do humans, so do believers! Our Shepherd is intent on bringing back the strays, of restoring the flock. He will not let them go too far away from safety. He also promises to restore my soul or my life. 
The Lord has given me His life, He has freed me from the darkness of sin and from spiritual death, how He longs that I will live in the fulness of all the good things He has for me. My soul is the seat of my emotions, my appetites and desires; it is the unseen part of me that is who I am. My thinking, my understanding are all rooted in my soul, and boy, doesn’t that soul need restoration work at times! How quickly it goes off track and I become self-pitying or moody or angry. How quickly temptations take root and my desires swing wildly away from that which is righteous and true. Jesus the Good Shepherd, comes alongside and feeds my soul, He restores my desires, He lifts my spirit, He gives me His joy for my mourning and His sweet voice stirs longing for the still waters. He takes me to fresh, green pastures and I understand Him and His Word with new insight. I hear His voice and follow Him because there is no other way, except self-destruction and misery. I would rather walk with Him through the valley of the shadow of death than be on the hillside – alone! Oh yes, He restores my soul alright! You see, Jesus is the healer of broken emotions, troubled minds and crushed spirits; He is the Good Shepherd!  Hallelujah!


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