Psalm 23:2    
In green pastures
     Implicit within the statement that the “Lord is my Shepherd” is the awareness that He will feed me. As we have seen, a major responsibility of any shepherd is to provide satisfactory grazing for the sheep. This Shepherd, however, is not satisfied with scratchy patches of scrubland; He takes His sheep to green pastures and causes them to lie down in contentment. There is no scene more peaceful or serene than a flock of contented animals in a green field in summer. However, think carefully here, it’s not a common sight is it – sheep lying down?      
·      Sheep are edgy creatures and particularly timid, they will run if you approach them, whereas cows tend to munch away and regard you with inquisitive eyes. Sheep will only lie down if they are without fear. 
·      Sheep also suffer from a variety of pests such as flies and parasites hence they need regular dipping; an irritated sheep will not lie down. 
·      Thirdly sheep are, more often than not, to be seen grazing the foliage around them and they do this on their feet. They are hungry beasts and they do not chew the cud; a sheep will only lie down when it is full.
The sheep who follow the Good Shepherd have nothing to fear, they are protected from pests, indeed they have been dipped, and they are well fed! What a great place to be in. Thank You Lord.

This verse takes us to idyllic quiet waters where our shepherd leans on his staff and watches his flock drink. I guess a nimble sheep can get some refreshment from a rushing torrent but there’s always the danger of being washed away. Sensible sheep love still waters and to be able to drink without risking their lives. Our shepherd knows what we need, He knows what is best for us and He prefers that we do not take risks when it comes to life’s necessities. Ezekiel 34:11-16.


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