Psalm 23:1   
My Shepherd
     This shepherd – flock relationship has so much to teach us and I will leave you to think about your own experiences but here are a few pointers: -
·      The Lord always goes before us.
·      We are free so long as He is with us.
·      He guards us at all times.
·      He is constantly looking to feed us.
·      Our relationship with Him is intimate and individual.
·      He calls us and knows us by name.
·      We do well to heed His voice.
·      We can be totally dependent upon Him.

THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD! It is because of this that I lack nothing. You see, I don’t have to worry or fret about my needs if I have learned to trust Him absolutely. He does all the providing, all I have to do is remain in the flock, under His care, and everything will be supplied for me. Those animals that I watched in Israel were not anxious. They did not have to plot their course. They were not even looking out for themselves for everything they needed was granted to them. Can I trust Jesus like that? So far in my life, I have found it very difficult to let go, to trust Him completely. How about you?


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