Psalm 22:30-31  
He has done it!
     The last 2 verses of this Psalm are extraordinary. The NIV says that “posterity will serve Him,” but other versions of the Scripture use the word “seed”. “A seed will serve the Lord Jesus.” What is the seed? Is It Israel? The Bible uses this word regularly to mean descendants. Isaiah 53:10 tells us that, “He will see His offspring and prolong His days and the will of the Lord will prosper in His hand.” The way the Lord Jesus will prosper is not through wealth and riches but through His successors. Hebrew thinking puts more emphasis on descendants and the development of the family line than it does on financial success. Psalm 22 is addressing future generations who will be told about the Lord. These people, who are not yet born, will declare the righteousness of the Lord. Who are these successors who will prosper Him? It’s you and me folks. And what is our great heart cry, the cry that has gone up from successive generations? HE HAS DONE IT!
What has He done? Well, He made it through, He fulfilled the task, He endured to the end, He completed the mandate, He kept the Commandments, He accomplished every task on the agenda. And that agenda embraces people from all generations to this very day and we can all cry, with our ancestors - the ancient seed that has grown into a vast tree, “HE HAS DONE IT!” Hallelujah! After all of the suffering and misery and anxiety and loneliness and rejection and brutal torture and spiritual darkness of the first 21 verses of this amazing Psalm we end on a note of incredible triumph. We have watched our hero suffer as He has fought His way through every kind of trial and now He stands at the summit of His endeavours and thousands of heavenly voices join with the Father in a shout of victory. HE HAS DONE IT! HALLELUJAH!


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