Psalm 22:29  
Every knee will bow
     To worship is to offer obeisance to a greater power and to acknowledge their superiority. Worship is not just about singing songs or saying prayers, it is all about our attitude before One who is wiser, mightier and more honourable than we. It’s about how much our faith will allow us to depend upon Him and put Him first in our lives. 
Man worships himself, until or unless He recognises there is a God. In this verse the vast expanse of humanity is embraced in just a few words; the rich and powerful on earth, who feast and get fat, will bow down and pay obeisance to the Lord God in the same way as the men and women who can barely keep themselves alive. All will worship the Lord. All who go down to the dust describes those whose physical bodies are returning to the earth from whence they came. The expression was also commonplace as a description of the underworld. The world below - Sheol or Hades. The song writer rightly affirms that we have no means to keep our bodies alive, when death comes we cannot fight it. And what lies beyond? Well, every knee will bow before the Lord and acclaim Him. Surely it is better to do it now, in faith and love, than to wait until after death and bow in fear!


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