Psalm 22:27-28  
The Lord reigns!
      What a privilege it is to have received an Invitation to join with the great assembly in verse 25, to witness the Lord Jesus as He fulfils His vows, to share in the anthem of praise that rocks heaven’s foundations. That is the privilege afforded to those of us who have received Him now, by the Holy Spirit. 
However, the Bible predicts a day when every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. He will reign in power upon the earth and all the families of the nations will bow down before Him. Micah 4:1-8 describes this time in detail and I urge you to take time to read those verses carefully. They speak of Zion’s hill being the highest of mountains and a Temple being re-established there. It will not be a Temple of sacrifice but one of worship and learning. A Temple is simply a place where the Lord dwells amongst His people. God’s rule and reign over the whole earth will be centred on Jerusalem and the world will flock to hear from Him there. He will dispense justice and truth and there will be no more need for wars and disputes between nations and individuals. It will be a world without fear as the Satan is bound for 1,000 years. Read about this in Revelation 20 and rejoice that however bad the world seems to be, it is only the climax of an age of satanic rule that will end in his final destruction. We follow Jesus. We are part of God’s family. His plans for us are unimaginably glorious.  Hallelujah!


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