Psalm 22:26  
Blessed are the poor
      The word poor is often used in the Scriptures and we, of course, immediately think of those who are poor financially, with few worldly possessions. More often than not, the scriptural connotation is spiritual, the Bible talks of the poor in spirit, the humble, the abased, those who think little of themselves. The Lord does not want us to be cowed before Him or else we would not be invited to the great celebration mentioned in these verses, but He is worthy of our reverence and our deepest respect. The hardest thing for all believers is to let go of our own free will and to seek instead, God’s will. In other words - to be obedient. That takes faith and contrition and a great deal of humble pie for human hearts are, by nature, proud and self-serving. The humble will be satisfied in His presence, says the Psalm, they will praise Him, and praise with Him, and their hearts will live forever. I guess what we are really saying is that when we look at ourselves we should see our poverty, our weakness, our inability to be the men and women we ought to be. We are poor in love, in grace, in faith, in faithfulness. Blessed are those who have a proper view of themselves. When we look at our God, we see His riches and how He abounds in everything; the poorer we are in our own eyes, the richer He becomes. Food for thought!


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