Psalm 22:25  
I will fulfil my vows
     The making of vows in Jewish culture was a serious matter. A man or woman’s word was more than just a gentleman’s agreement, it was binding. Even more serious was a vow made to God, often accompanied by freewill offerings to give tangible evidence of the promise made. The Scriptures are full of references to this practice and Numbers 30 is devoted to the kinds of vows made and the importance of keeping them. Many people regard God’s pronouncements in the same way; what God says, God will do. His Word is His Word and will not and cannot be broken. Thus John 3:16 is a vow in biblical language. 
All that Jesus Christ has said and promised He will fulfil. Every statement or promise that came from His lips that implicates you and me, He will keep. So, when the Assembly of the Righteous gathers before the Lord God, our Lord Jesus will offer praise in line with the themes of worship and exaltation practiced in heaven’s vast courts. He will worship and praise before those who reverence the Lord God and every one of His promises will be fulfilled. Take time to read John 14-17 to get a flavour of what He has vowed for us while we remain here on earth. Hallelujah! 
There is another facet to the making of vows. If God had delivered an individual or blessed them in some remarkable way, they would often make a solemn promise to offer a gift to Him in response, usually by means of a Fellowship Offering at the tabernacle or temple. So, when the crowds gathered at the entrance to the Holy site they would bring their offerings and fulfil their vows. The Lord Jesus determined in His mind, even as He was suffering, to come before His Father in heaven’s Holy Place, to offer praise and thanksgiving to God for His deliverance. What hope and what faith and what anticipation He had. Hebrews 12:2 “For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” 


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