Psalm 22:22  
Dramatic scene change
     What a change in the tone and focus of the Psalm! Suddenly, the suffering is over, the loneliness and anguish of the previous lament is left behind as the writer begins a symphony of praise and joyful anticipation of all that lies ahead. Isaiah does something similar in chapter 53 where the sufferings of the Lord Jesus are vividly depicted for 10 verses; then, just as suddenly, the prophet starts talking about the One whose days will be prolonged, who will see the light of life. 
Having borne our sins and faced our enemies and suffered with all the indignities of our humanity, the Lord Jesus Christ deliberately turns away from the darkness and anticipates future glory. “I will declare Your name to my people,” He says. Hebrews 2:12 translates this, “I will declare Your name to my brothers and sisters,” and the preceding verse tells us that these are those who have been made holy, those who are God’s family. Has our Lord Jesus not done that? Oh, how He has done that. How else would we know God and be able to call Him Father? How else could we attain holiness and enter into the family of God. We are now His people and together we are His blood-bought congregation and amongst this assembly Jesus intends to praise God. We are His, and He is proud of us, and He died to redeem us, and He praises the Lord God amongst us for all that has been done to win us and provide us with our future life and destiny in Him. 


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