Psalm 22:20-21  
The only One!
      The striking imagery all comes together here. The violence of the sword that brings bloodshed and death.  The yapping dogs of Roman military might. The roaring lions of Satan’s demons and the bulls or oxen from Bashan – the leaders of Israel. All of these arrayed against the defenceless Son of God who chose not to fight back, for He knew that in His death lay the keys to victory! How we long to defend Him, to stand up for Him and to cry out against the injustice, but Heaven says, “No! He could be avenged in seconds, a single angel could wipe out all of the rabble, but then God’s purpose would be thwarted because the Lamb of Sacrifice must die.”
There is an unusual phrase in verse 20, “Deliver me from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dogs…”  The literal translation reads, “Deliver my UNIQUENESS from the power of the dogs.” It means “ONLY ONE” and is a direct reference to Yeshua; to Jesus. Isn’t that amazing. “I am the Only One, deliver me from the power of the dogs,” He cries, “Deliver me!” It truly was our God who suffered and died for us at Calvary, the unique One, the only One.  There never was and never will be One like Him; He alone could “unlock the gates of heaven and let me in.”  This was a huge moment in the life of our planet and the most momentous moment in all of human history. Unbeknown to the surrounding spectators, the God of heaven was offering up the Unique One, the Only One as a sacrifice for all sinners for all time. How evil and blinded are we to belittle that moment or to live as if it never happened? 


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