Psalm 22:19
Come quickly!
I have heard it said, many times, that when God seems far away, He hasn’t moved, we have. For us mere mortals, I suspect that is true, but it could not have been true for Jesus could it? He was the Son of God. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one; they co-exist. So, if Jesus made this cry from the cross it shows us something of the depth of His isolation. To ask His Father to come quickly reveals the desperation in His heart. When we call an ambulance to a very sick person, we don’t say “Take your time”. We are desperate. “Come quickly,” we cry. Our dear friend and brother Jesus pleaded with His Father, “Do not be far away. Please come quickly to help me.” Why? Could He not cope? No, He could not, He was on the very brink of cracking, He had gone further into suffering than any man and He had no strength for Almighty God was His strength. Oh, the lonely desperation of these heart cries! What may have seemed like an innocuous verse in a Psalm becomes a window into the soul of the suffering Lamb of God. How can I, a mere man, understand or even comment on torment like this? In His life Jesus had learned the one lesson that we mere mortals find impossible; it was absolute dependency on His Father. Now the Father had withdrawn, now the source of His strength was gone, who had He to turn to? No one!
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