Psalm 22:17 
He did it all for me
     Luke’s Gospel tells us that the people stood watching the Lord Jesus – just watching as He was suspended by nails from the rough, Roman cross. Maybe some of them wondered why the miracle man was being treated like this, but the majority were smugly satisfied. They took the side of the religious leaders, of course they would. No one in that crowd had the courage to protest the injustice of it all – not with brutal soldiers standing close by. To all intents and purposes Jesus was just another insurrectionist, guilty of treason against the State, a potential terrorist, better to nip the problem in the bud and keep the peace. They all knew He had been building quite a following and the appointed leaders of the nation knew best how to deal with Him. 
What were they staring at? A naked man. Roman crucifixions spared no blushes, there was no dignity, the unclothed body of the Son of God was hanging in full view of the public, another dreadful indignity thrust upon our Saviour. His bones were on display and as His body contorted with the pain and fought against tearing flesh and muscle spasm, every rib, every vertebra, every leg and arm and shoulder bone of His skeleton was visible. As they watched, some of them, those who had been plotting and scheming for months to get rid of Him were gloating in triumph. Their plans to destroy the troublemaker had succeeded, no more deluded Galilean prophet for the uneducated crowds to follow. Why they had even managed to manipulate the Roman Governor to side with them. This was the way to do things.  And so, the Son of Almighty God, the creator of all things hung in shame, exposed for all to see. Yes, He did it all for me. Hallelujah, what a Saviour!


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