Psalm 22:16    
They pierced his hands and feet
  In John 19:34, 37 we read, “One of the soldiers pierced Jesus side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.” Zechariah 12:10 tells us, “They will look on the one they have pierced.”
As we turn again to the cruel crucifixion scene, outside Jerusalem’s walls, it does not take too much imagination to work out who the dogs are does it? If the sophisticated religious Jews were the Satan-inspired bulls of Bashan and the lions were the untamed demonic powers, then the dogs were the Roman soldiers. Primitive and unrefined probably, violent, aggressive men, masters of torture and inflicting misery, they yapped, growled and attacked the Son of God. Who was it who brought violent persecution against the early church and who killed and tortured the first Christians, it was Rome! Note these words written by Paul to the Philippians in Ch 3:2. “Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh.” The “dog” term could of course be applied to all who use violence, torture and brute strength in their opposition to God’s plans. 
Once again, we see that our Lord faced it all, there was no element of suffering that He did not endure during those gruesome hours at Golgotha. Cruel Roman nails were driven through His hands and His feet, pinning Him to that wooden cross, and yes, a spear pierced His side and out poured blood and water, a sign that His body had died, for the fluids had separated. So, in their ignorance the Roman dogs disproved, by this one spear thrust, the theories of those who suggest that Christ merely became unconscious and that therefore He was not really brought back to life. He died! He rose again! Hallelujah!


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