Psalm 22:9-10  
The true baby Jesus
    This verse is yet another remarkable insight into the Messianic place that the Son of God would have in this world. Today we are allowed to take a glimpse of a very private and hidden part of Jesus’ life – His birth and early childhood! Yes, we all know about Bethlehem and the stable and the shepherds and the wise men, but what about the little baby boy held close to His mother’s breast? How did baby Jesus survive those early minutes, hours, days weeks, months and years of his time on earth? Birth is arguably the most vulnerable experience for all human beings although we know nothing about it! The dangers inherent in that journey from the womb into the world of independence are immense and yet very few fail to make it! Jesus Christ, the Son of God was that defenceless, tiny little child who came through the open door of Mary’s womb into a world full of hatred, rejection and unbelief. Even as He suckled at his mother’s breast, He felt the stirrings within of the Father’s love. He learned, very quickly, to trust and hope in God and to believe that His Father in heaven would watch over His every movement. That vulnerable little boy learned quickly that His Father was His God! That concept takes some thinking about!
Now, 33 years later, the same vulnerable little boy throws Himself into His Father’s arms at the end of His earthly life. He has no one else to trust in and no one else to hope in. He is as helpless as He had been in the first few months of His life, unable to save Himself.  All He can do is hope in God. Sometimes that is all any of us can do! The most awful part of the suffering of Jesus was that God was not there! For the first and last time, the Father had to abandon His Son. These verses are a heart cry, a plea against the backdrop of utter desolation and rejection. This was what our Lord must suffer in order that we might be saved


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