Psalm 22:2  
How He must love us! 
      There is little recorded of the actual words of Jesus as He hung on that brutal Roman crucifix. This Psalm tells us what He cried in His soul. You will remember that He was crucified in the daytime but that there were 3 hours of darkness, Luke writes, “It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining.”  Those long hours were a time of intense suffering, where the body of Jesus was contorted by the agony of the nails and the effort to breathe but no one can know what He suffered in His mind and deep in His soul. We talk of the “dark night of the soul” and some of us have been in harsh, lonely places where death seems like a relief! However, we can never know what it must be like to take upon ourselves the darkness, the pain, the misery and the guilt of all mankind. So much so that heaven had deserted Him. Our Lord had cried out, the previous evening, in the lonely gloom of the Garden of Gethsemane but He found no rest, no response from heaven in either day or night, It seemed that He was utterly alone. His entire earthly journey had prepared Him for this moment, to step alone into the jaws of death; He who knew no sin would become sin for us and heaven could not help Him.  How He must love us!


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