Psalm 22:1     
Silence in heaven
   This heart-rending cry from the cross recorded by Matthew 27:46 (in an Aramaic dialect) as “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani,” is familiar to so many and opens a window into the soul of the Lord Jesus as He approached the final few moments of His earthly life. At this point in the Calvary chronicle He had lost all contact with His Father and was utterly alone.  Father had always been there for Him, He could boast that whatever He said, whatever He did, it was Father working through Him, but now …… now He was alone. He must bear the anguish felt by all men and women who face the jaws of death without God, for Jesus must suffer in every way as we suffer. As He gazed into that darkness and understood the journey He must take, He did so, not out of ignorance or disobedience, but voluntarily so that He might taste death for everyone. The cries that came from His lips were heard but there was no response from heaven, no gentle coaxing or persuasion to keep going ….. just silence. How it must have grieved the Father to watch this dreadful scene and to remain so distant, we can only conclude that His mercy and love toward you and me was so great that He had to see this plan of redemption through to its bitter end. So, the Son cried out, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” and the Father did not respond. Heaven was silent! 


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