Psalm 21:9  
The fire of God!
    The ferocious anger of God’s judgement described in this verse is enough to put many people off God altogether! We live in a tolerant society; we cannot entertain a God who would behave in such a way. Well those sentiments can be attributed mainly to people who don’t believe in God and who use any excuse to justify their reasons for dismissing Him.  What they forget is that God is Holy, we are a million miles away from Him in our sins and one day He must clean up this broken world and remove the wickedness that has so corrupted it. The converse of this is that we are so helpless and so sin-ridden that God, out of grace and love, decided to help us. The death of Christ was a merciful God taking the judgement of our sin upon Himself. He felt the pain and rejection of His own wrath!! Because of this we can draw near to Him, He loves us, He will forgive us, He welcomes us as children into His family. If we accept Jesus and believe in Him and obey Him, there is no wrath to be feared. If we continue to ignore Him, blaspheme Him and reject His offer of mercy, then we are rejecting God’s escape route from judgement and we can hardly blame Him when it comes!
This verse has echoes of Deuteronomy 32:22 where Moses describes the fiery judgement of Almighty God that will be so widespread that it will consume those who are in the realm of the dead as well as the inhabitants of the earth. “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!” Hebrews 10:31. I’d rather have Him as my Father than my Judge, wouldn’t you?


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