Psalm 21:8  
Triumphing over them by the cross 
     Let us be clear once again, the enemies of God and the enemies of Christ and the enemies of true believers are not flesh and blood. They may present themselves in human form and through human behaviour but the source of evil, the plotters and schemers, the armies of wickedness, the rulers and authorities and powers of this dark world are spiritual, and they operate from the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:10-12) As we have seen in earlier Psalms, their leader is Lucifer which means Morning Star or Son of the Dawn, in astrology – Venus. We call him Satan but that is incorrect for he does not have that name in the ancient Scriptures, he is “The Satan”, a description of his character, it means the liar, the deceiver, the accuser. 
All of the idols and false religions of this world bear the stamp of the Satan, every arrogant world leader is in his pay, and much of our earthly culture is master-minded by the evil one who schemes to overthrow and destroy God’s planet and to oppose all that God is and does in this world. It goes with the territory that those who serve and follow the living God and His Son Jesus Christ, are his enemies and the Christian church will face a continual onslaught while other religions seem to prosper. 
There is no question that Jesus suffered dreadful physical abuse at the cross and that He also underwent mental torment and anguish. However, the spiritual forces arrayed against Him were immense and how they rejoiced to see Him die, thinking that this was their ultimate victory. But, He did not die did He! God raised Him from the dead, the cross was not their ultimate triumph, it turned out to be the place where the Satan was crushed and God the Father and His Son staged a remarkable victory. David was able to put words into the mouth of the Lord Jesus when he wrote, “Your hand will lay hold on all your enemies; Your right hand will seize your foes.” The Apostle Paul wrote, “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He  - Jesus - made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 2:15.


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